Saturday, November 22, 2008


Here's an issue that I didn't really care about until .. oh around three months ago. There's also a refreshing lack of extremism about the debate with the 'right' simply demanding vouchers that are a fraction of the true cost per child.
However, I don't think the focus on private vs public is the real issue. I heard Georg Lucas talk about his foundation last year and simply having more choice within the public school system would be an excellent start. If kids had the choice* of going to Bronx High's or a school based on Integrated Studies then then the fight over voucher may become moot.**

* 'choice' in this case clearly means 'opportunity to compete for' but that's the laws of supply and demand for you.
** Sorry, the choice doesn't extend to parochial institutions. I could debate if this is fair, but for now I'll just hide behind the First Amendment. Go change it, if you don't like it.

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